Tuesday 22 October 2024

The US Strategy in the Middle East: A Modern Machiavellian Tale

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Historical Context
Following its victory in the Cold War, the United States embarked on a series of bold and controversial actions in the Middle East. The invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan marked the beginning of a new era of American interventionism, setting the stage for subsequent attempts to reshape the region according to its strategic interests.

The Clinton Administration: Imposing a One-Sided Peace Treaty
During Bill Clinton's presidency, the US sought to impose a one-sided peace treaty on Palestine. This effort was part of a broader strategy to assert control over the region, using diplomatic pressure to achieve outcomes favorable to its interests and those of its key ally, Israel.
The Bush Administration: Military Intervention and Regime Change
Under George W. Bush, the US intensified its military involvement in the Middle East. The invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were justified under the banner of fighting terrorism and promoting democracy. However, these actions also aimed to disrupt the power dynamics in the region, paving the way for a new order centered around American influence and Israeli superiority.
The Trump Era: The Abraham Accords
The Trump administration's Abraham Accords were another manifestation of this long-standing strategy. The accords, while promoting normalization of relations between Israel and several Arab states, contained absurdly worded and demanding provisions. They further highlighted the US's intention to create a New Middle East, pivoted around the dominance of Israel and control of critical petroleum resources.
Demonizing Iran and Subduing Arab States
A key aspect of this strategy has been the demonization of Iran. By portraying Iran as a regional villain, the US and its true ally, Israel, have sought to justify their actions and rally support from other Arab states. Economic concessions were made to these states, ostensibly to bring welfare, but the ultimate aim was to secure their submission and cooperation.
Empowering Israel and Marginalizing Weaker States
The overarching goal has been to empower Israel while gradually weakening and marginalizing dependent states in the region. This aligns with Machiavelli's philosophy of forming allegiances with weakened nations, undermining opposition, and disregarding past commitments to achieve ultimate dominance.
Bringing it All Together
The US strategy in the Middle East reflects a modern interpretation of Machiavellian principles. By leveraging military might, diplomatic pressure, and strategic alliances, the US has pursued a vision of regional order centered around Israeli superiority and control over key resources. This approach has consistently aimed to reshape the Middle East, often at the expense of weaker and more vulnerable states.
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